Indonesian Traditional Massage
Massage has long been known in Indonesia as a health care art and simple treatment, especially in countryside, it became a tradition passed down from generation to generation/hereditary. it was shown in the reliefs of the Buddhist temple "Borobudur" in Central Java, 8-9ème centuries represent special treatment is performed by kings and queens.
Indonesia has 440 tribes has features and different methods of massage that are scattered in 34 provinces of the archipelago.
The traditional Indonesian massage is not only used to relax and tone but it is also effective in helping the body to eliminate the disease, to regain balance and health. He was influenced by Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. How did these approaches to healing end up in Indonesia? Hindu priests have introduced Ayurvedic medicine, which uses fragrant oils for massage, as well as herbal medicines. Later, during their travels, Buddhist monks brought the knowledge of Chinese medicine.

During the Majapahit kingdom, many beauty treatments were developed by the queens and princesses in "kratons" (royal court). Thus massage has evolved into well-being, relaxation and beauty and aid in healing.
The objective of massage is the entire body - mind. In general, works on muscles using ,soft, medium to strong kneading (adapt ed/according to client's request) and a repetitive squeezing movement of the flesh between the fingers and palm of the hand. This technique uses oil in therapy. The massage is done in the direction of blood flow to the heart. The main objective of the traditional massage is to increase the circulation of oxygen in the blood and release toxins from the muscles. These massages technic are also able to improve metabolism and immune recovery. Ultimately, the state of physical tension due to stress will deeply calmed down and gradually reborn /re-emerge to ourselves.
The benefits of massage for
Stretch and relax the muscles so that reduce muscle spasms and tension, and the results are smooth and improve the movement of your joints/the flexibility of articulations.
Stimulate the lymphatic circulation, which may decrease the edema and cellulite, also able to stimulate the skin glands to maintain the temperature and moisture levels.
Relieve tension headaches.
Aids the body in releasing some chemical element so that the body becomes relaxed for having rid of toxins formed when muscles are working. Accelerate the recovery of energy, relieve fatigue.
The refit of the immune system, because the massage is capable of destroying lactic acid so as to make a smooth blood circulation. This condition will stimulate the production of endorphins which helps to create a more fit body, as well as strengthen the body's immunity. No wonder in the world of sport, the athletes much-needed massage..
The mind to be relaxed (load pace as in meditation with a deeper beyond the mental agitation & reveal an energetic body, leaving the body armor relax).
Reduced stress and clear the mind.
Meet basic needs touch. Touch is one of the basic needs of every human being. Touch may be considered as a nutrient that is transmitted through the skin, by many ways: for example is massage and others.
Improving a nice feeling, reduce mild depression.
Improved self-image.
Reduce anxiety levels.
Increase awareness or consciousness of the mind-body connection.
I'm Asian: Indonesian culture since childhood teaches us to live the relationship, interdependence, not to create at "me" isolated and my Chinese heritage has taught me especially through the practice of tai chi, the qi gong and Buddhist meditation that living being is being in the spontaneous movement of the breath and body in interdependence, not only in a contracted isolated self.
My studies & training in acupressure & Tuina, MTC( traditional chinese medicine) at Crea HELB Erasmus, reiki, shiatsu at yoseido academy (mâitre Kawada) included 1 year stage in Saint Luc Hospital, Balinese & Indonesian Traditional massage & Spa center in Bali, and my practice in massage, for over 10 years, also included Indonesian massage, certified in Bali and Chinese massage (work on energy and meridians), the cranio sacral massage and face ...
I speak french and english